Malanie Senanayake
09.10.1955 - 20.05.2021
Malanie was an amazing person who has played a unique and special role in all of our lives. She exemplified life, love, laughter, and an irrepressible belief and faith in seeing the best in everything, even loss.
We remember Malanie as a friend and colleague, always attired in white, which was her favorite color. We hardly remember her in any other shades. She loved flowers of any kind and color. True to one’s nature, Malanie was a kind and gentle soul, who was cheerful in herself and gave much cheerfulness to others. She had a beautiful smile, a sense of humour, and a gentle demeanor.
Many of us have known Malanie for over a decade, she was part of the Centre for Human Rights and Development (CHRD) since its inception. Her role in the shaping of the organization in its journey of more than two decades is immeasurable. Malanie was a steadying influence in the financial management of CHRD. As a Finance Manager, Malanie generously gave us her knowledge, her expertise, and her skills. As such, she was an integral part of CHRD, contributing much to its development.
Malanie was living proof of how fine a person can be. She was a good boss to the people in her charge, a loving wife, and a devoted mother to her children. She was also a good friend to many of us and a great colleague. The character of the life she lived might be summed up in a few words: she was sincere, earnest, and loyal.
Everyone who knew her will miss a highly vibrant individual with a rare friendliness and charm of personality. Malanie was a genuinely warm and wonderful individual—one we will miss greatly. Our sorrow is lessened only slightly with the comforting thought that we had the privilege to know her.
Mr. Krishnakumar Senanayake, Samurdhi and Rushan our hearts and prayers are with you at this most difficult time. As the saying goes, is not the years in a life that counts; it is the life in the years. Malanie lived. We will all miss her.
May she attain the supreme bliss of Nibbana...
No: 33
Sagara Road
Sri Lanka
Telephone: (+94) 11 250 6001
Fax: (+94) 11 250 6002