The Supreme Court of Sri Lanka has adjudged that in terms of Article 123(1) of the Constitution, Clauses 4(a), 4(b) and 68(5) of the Counter Terrorism Bill (CTB) violate Article 3 of the Constitution and Clause 93(3) of the Bill violates Articles 3 and 4 of the Constitution, reports Daily Financial Times. ThThe Counter Terrorism Bill (CTB) law could only be passed if two-third majority Parliament (MPs) vote in favor of the above-mentioned bill as well as the majority of people approves the (CTB) at a referendum..
This came up with decision following the petitions that were filed in the Supreme Court in terms of Article 121(1) of the Constitution. However, Speaker Karu Jayasuriya stated that the Supreme Court has mentioned that the above inconsistencies would cease if the Clauses are amended as per the determination of the Court. The other clauses of this (CTB) bill could be overrun by simple two-third majority of the Parliament.
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